On Thursday 17th of February, we held our annual public speaking competition from Year 1 to Year 9. The competition encourages pupils to speak in front of others in an engaging manner – something we develop throughout our curriculum at Holy Mary.
This year the pupils from Year 1 – Year 6 had to prepare a presentation based on something that they felt proud of having achieved. The children delivered fabulous presentations and touched upon issues such as being proud of being a good big brother or sister and also learning a new skill such as learning how to swim or to read. The children really drove home the point that practice makes perfect, and although when trying something new, it is often hard, the most important skill they took away from this presentation was the importance of effort and perseverance.
Our Secondary pupils tackled the topic of The Impact of Technology on Young People. The children looked at both the positive as w
ell as the negatives. The competition was stiff and all of our finalists showed real courage and confidence when delivering their presentations. In order for the children to really understand what it means to speak in public, our finalists delivered their speeches in front of an audience of 300 children! No easy feat!
Huge congratulations go to all winners and participants! Very well done!